Networking, Mentoring, and Education for Consultants and Solo Professionals
Come to our virtual meetup on Friday, March 14th to network with your fellow consultants and solo professionals. We'll be on a video call from 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
This meetup is sponsored by the Society of Professional Consultants (SPC) and is open to members and non-members.
We'll have a short general session for everyone and then break out into small virtual meeting rooms. You'll get a chance to make new connections and learn from your colleagues.
There's no registration fee to attend. We're limiting the meetup to 25 people so please register and save your spot. We hope you can join us!
The Dirty Little Secret About Success: How to Define Your Own Version of Greatness.
Did you start your career in the corporate world? Most of us did. And that means you likely had a career path laid out for you.
That changed when you went out on your own as a solopreneur. Now, you have to create your own path, because no one else will do it for you. That means you must figure out exactly what “success” means to you. If you don’t, you risk chasing someone else’s goals. They may not make you feel happy or fulfilled if you achieve them.
In this interactive session, you’ll learn:
Come discover the dirty little secret about success, and how you can start building your own.
There's no charge for this workshop.
About Our Speaker
More than a million people a month read “The Laid-Back Leader,” Minda Zetlin’s online column at Inc. magazine. Her virtual and in-person keynotes and workshops have inspired audiences of more than 3,000 around the world. She is the author, most recently, of Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work (New World Library, 2022), a top-50 career guide on Amazon. She lives in Snohomish, Washington with her husband and two cats.
Come to our virtual meetup on Friday, April 11th to network with your fellow consultants and solo professionals. We'll be on a video call from 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
Branding is Easier than You Think: Enhance Your Consulting Brand in 3 Easy Steps
Do you struggle to be clear and succinct when selling your expertise? Experienced consultants offer a wealth of skills and deep knowledge to their customers. Packaging up a diverse portfolio into a “brand” can seem daunting.
Have no fear! Even if your current branding consists of nothing more than your name, it can be enhanced.
In this interactive workshop led by Ari M. Weinstein you will learn branding basics for consultants, including:
This rapid presentation will leave you enough time to ask the presenter anything about branding in a full 20-minute Q&A session.
Ari M. Weinstein turned 38 years of experience as a brand developer and corporate officer into a unique coaching practice. He partners with executives and entrepreneurs to strengthen their brands, leading to new opportunities for professional growth and business development.
Ari is the author of the eBook Personal Branding at Work. He has led branding workshops for diverse audiences including technology professionals, healthcare workers, engineers, and veterans of the armed forces. Ari shares his knowledge on LinkedIn where he loves making new connections. When he’s not working or writing, he loves spending time hiking or taking photos in New York’s Hudson Valley and Downeast Maine.
Come to our virtual meetup on Friday, May 9th to network with your fellow consultants and solo professionals. We'll be on a video call from 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
Telling the Truth: A Storytelling Workshop with Brian Perry
Are you telling your authentic story? A story that connects you with your ideal clients? If you're feeling blocked or stuck in some way, this workshop with Brian Perry can help you find the confidence to claim your story, and the words to share your story.
Here's Brian's description on how attending this workshop will help you harness your unique voice, and uncover your unique you-ness through storytelling.
“Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth.” - Sheryl Louis Moller Move beyond outlines, structures, and formulas to birth the story that wants to be told NOW. Learn to tune into the aliveness and to follow it to the story that wants to be told, that needs to be told. The people you most long to serve at the depth you long to serve them, first need to feel seen and understood. Stories are the shortest distance between here and there. Because stories unlock, reveal, and connect us. And, poetically enough, the stories that feel most challenging to share turn out to be the most universal. Go figure. Great speaking isn’t about performance, it’s about presence. In this transformative workshop, I invite you to uncover the stories at the heart of your message and so you can share it with courage and authenticity. Together we’ll explore:
“Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth.” - Sheryl Louis Moller
Move beyond outlines, structures, and formulas to birth the story that wants to be told NOW. Learn to tune into the aliveness and to follow it to the story that wants to be told, that needs to be told.
The people you most long to serve at the depth you long to serve them, first need to feel seen and understood. Stories are the shortest distance between here and there. Because stories unlock, reveal, and connect us. And, poetically enough, the stories that feel most challenging to share turn out to be the most universal. Go figure.
Great speaking isn’t about performance, it’s about presence. In this transformative workshop, I invite you to uncover the stories at the heart of your message and so you can share it with courage and authenticity.
Together we’ll explore:
If you want to speak with more soul, courage, and connection, this workshop will help you step into your story and share it in a way that moves and transforms both you and your audience. As a singer-songwriter, authentic communication coach, and speaker, I work with people drawn to a calling. They’re creative, service-oriented, and purpose-driven people who have a message and a mission — but are feeling blocked or stuck in some way. I help you find the words and confidence to claim, share, and LIVE your story.
If you want to speak with more soul, courage, and connection, this workshop will help you step into your story and share it in a way that moves and transforms both you and your audience.
As a singer-songwriter, authentic communication coach, and speaker, I work with people drawn to a calling. They’re creative, service-oriented, and purpose-driven people who have a message and a mission — but are feeling blocked or stuck in some way. I help you find the words and confidence to claim, share, and LIVE your story.
With decades of experience, Brian Perry serves as an authentic communication coach, singer-songwriter, and speaker. Stories are the through-line of it all, helping you live more of your once-in-any-lifetime story. Because living your story matters.
At the heart of each of his vocations is Brian’s passion for helping people get out of their own way and into their own way. Helping people live their most empowered and joyful experience of their life. And to amplify their impact along the way. Brian leans on each of his crafts to offer a path forward with poetic clarity, humor, and pragmatism.
His most recent book is “The Myth Of Certainty…And Other Great News” and his most recent album is “Yes, And.” Both are available in all the usual places. Brian is based in the Atlanta area — but proudly by way of New Orleans.
Learn more about Brian at